Hello everyone, here is the information about the beattape named "All Nighter Study" that we recently announced and the participation conditions for beatmakers.
The beats we are looking for have a chill and cozy vibe with melodies that can help you focus while studying. The beats should be around 75-85 bpm, without loud effects and without electronic instruments if possible.
Beattape Submission Rules
Email the beat to chillmoondemo@gmail.com Email title = "All Nighter Study"
Link must be a Google Drive link
Beat name must be in "Artist Name - Song Title.wav" form.
Please limit tracks to 3 per artist. master volume should be in the range of -12 and -14 lufs
The beats must be in the wav. file format.
The beats must be previously unreleased.
Deadline: 8th March
What will Chill Moon do?
After the 8th of march, we will evaluate beats with the Chill Moon team and inform all accepted artists within 1 week.
For all accepted artists and beats, we will:
Adding beats to our more than 20 playlists with a total of 15k followers.
Personalized for each artist; Beattape cover design, detailed jpeg and png images of beattape cover design, social media post design with "released date" theme, "coming soon" themed instagram story video, 15-second story video for instagram music, spotify canvas video, 30 seconds animated video , and more...
Deal Share Split Pay?
We send the beat to all streaming services via DashGo, "share split pay" 50% -50%.